
'The way of tea'

Enlightenment in the everyday

What is ChaDao Practice

ChaDao, also known as the Way of Tea, is a spiritual practice rooted in the traditional Tibetan & Chinese tea ceremony. It is a form of mindfulness that involves preparing and serving tea with utmost care and attention to detail. The practice of ChaDao is not just about drinking tea, but about cultivating a sense of presence, harmony, and connection with the natural world. Through the ritual of the tea ceremony, practitioners seek to find inner peace, clarity, and a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

GongFu Cha

GongFu Cha, also known as 'the tea ceremony', is a traditional way of preparing and serving tea. In Buddhism, GongFu Cha is seen as a form of meditation and mindfulness practice. 

The process of making and serving tea is done with great care and attention to detail, allowing practitioners to focus on the present moment and cultivate a sense of inner peace and tranquility. Through the ritual of GongFu Cha, practitioners can connect with the natural world and appreciate the beauty and simplicity of life.

Tea Cultures

The many Tea cultures across the world have long been a symbol of unity and connection. In families, business, and politics, the act of sharing a cup of tea brings people together, fostering communication and understanding. 

Whether it's a traditional Japanese tea ceremony or a casual chat over chai in India, tea has the power to bridge divides and create a sense of community among diverse groups of people. In Buddhist teachings, the act of serving tea is seen as a form of mindfulness and compassion, a way to show respect and care for others.

Peaceful Dialogue

Peaceful dialogue through a shared experience is a central tenet of Upeska. By coming together to engage in meaningful conversations and activities, individuals can cultivate understanding, empathy, and harmony. 

Through this process, conflicts can be resolved, and relationships can be strengthened. By fostering a sense of unity and connection, peaceful dialogue can lead to personal growth and collective well-being.


Mindfulness is the Buddhism practice of being fully present and aware in each moment, without judgment or attachment. 

It involves paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surroundings with a sense of openness and curiosity. Through mindfulness, we can develop greater clarity, insight, and compassion, leading to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

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